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Kelly Martin

Star Consultant

(503) 910-7249

My Story

As most of us were cooped up at home two months into a pandemic, I like many others craved the feeling of community and friendship with others outside my home. i thought about how to build my own community, and remembered the amazing relationships I had built years ago when I was in direct sales.

I am a planner... always have to have a plan, so I looked at different companies and wanted to make sure I selected the right one. I wanted to start a business that would be successful, where I could love the products, and I could build amazing relationships with my customers and team.

A few months earlier, I had been gifted a Fragrance Flower, which re-introduced me to Scentsy and I learned how much the company had grown in the 10 years since I had last seen a catalog. I was impressed, and excited - this fit perfectly into my plan. I knew I had the right company to join, and start my own business venture. Since I joined, I am happy to see that the unknowns that always exist in any new venture turned out to be AMAZING! This company is so much more than I anticipated, and I love what I do.

What's warming in my home